When deploying a preview environment for the first time, a command set in the render.yaml to afterFirstDeployCommand: _build/prod/rel/redacted/bin/redacted rpc "Redacted.Seed.run()" is failing with the error saying Can’t set short node name! Please check your configuration
Calling hostname -s | wc -m in the shell tab returns 41, which seems to be too long, but calling the same command (_build/prod/rel/redacted/bin/redacted rpc "Redacted.Seed.run") in the shell tab of that same PR env is working OK. Also the app itself is deployed successfully and running OK.
I am wondering if the hostname is empty at the moment the afterFirstDeployCommand is being run, or what could be wrong.
I guess there’s an issue, that calling rpc doesn’t know where the build is actually running. It’s probably on some other node or something similar. Am I right?
Thanks for reporting this issue. We’ve updated the Elixir environment and you should now be able to specify rpc commands as part of the afterFirstDeployCommand.