Hey, I am trying to deploy my app on Render. It is a seperate React front-end (static) and and Elixir/Phoenix API backend (web service). I have deployed them using a render.yaml file but I keep gettings CORS errors. I don’t get these locally and I am wondering if it possibly something to do with the headers section for the static sites? I am not to familiar with these and I have tried a lot of things in my elixir app to solve this to no available. Sorry if this is very vague.
@Jack_Kennedy Hard to say exactly what the issue is without more information about what you have so far. Could you post what you have so far? Feel free to DM me.
Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I was able to solve but still having issues getting the PR previews to sync.
Hey Jack,
I’m taking over for Ralph this week. What is the issue you’re seeing with PR previews?