Discourse upgrade

Hello, I have installed discourse from one click deploy but it seems that it’s outdated, how to update to the last version ? current version is 2.6.3.

Hi @bondbenz,

You can fork the repo and update the Dockerfile to pull a more recent version of Discourse: https://github.com/render-examples/discourse/blob/master/web/v2.6.3/Dockerfile#L9

You may also want to check in the process that any other necessary dependencies for the version you are upgrading to, are updated as well.

Thank you for your reply, is there any quicker way to do that? because my discourse is already running , will this delete the database? is there a way to update via the Shell?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi again,

I tried the method mentioned above but didn’t work out, GitHub - bondbenz/render-discourse here is a link of the fork and edit , the deployment is failing.

Hi @bondbenz,

Can you let me know the email associated with your Render account and I will will take a look at the deploy? Feel free to DM or email this to support@render.com.

it’s benzeghli@maykiha.com

Thanks @bondbenz,

It looks like your deploy is running into an issue with installing mini racer. Can you try adding a line to your Dockerfile to update the version of bundler to 2.3.5? Let me know if this helps you get past the error.


Okay , Thank you :slight_smile:

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