CREATE SERVER for POSTGRES_DFW failing because of permissions

Hi! I am on the edge of my technical literacy and could use some advice on an error while setting up a foreign data wrapper. I have two PG instances, both hosted on Render, both v13.

As the master user created by Render on the local db, I am able to run the extension creation successfully:
CREATE EXTENSION postgres_dfw;

However, when I try to run the following, I get an error:

CREATE SERVER tex_admin_replica_bridge
    OPTIONS (host '[remotexxxx]', port '5432', dbname '[remote_dbname]');

error message: ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper postgres_fdw

I’ve been googling and still am not unsure if I have a permissions issue I need to resolve first. I’m using the master user created for me by Render, but I also am led to believe that this master user is not a super user. I also tried using a host specification internal to Render but I get the same result.

Am I supposed to be able to do this on Render’s hosted db’s? I would appreciate nudging in the right direction thanks!

Hi Anthony,

Unfortunately Foreign Data Wrappers are not supported today. There is an existing feature request for this at

I’d encourage you to add your voice to that discussion. It’s always useful to include as much information about your use case as possible for context.



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