Hi! I am on the edge of my technical literacy and could use some advice on an error while setting up a foreign data wrapper. I have two PG instances, both hosted on Render, both v13.
As the master user created by Render on the local db, I am able to run the extension creation successfully:
CREATE EXTENSION postgres_dfw;
However, when I try to run the following, I get an error:
CREATE SERVER tex_admin_replica_bridge
OPTIONS (host '[remotexxxx].replica-cyan.oregon-postgres.render.com', port '5432', dbname '[remote_dbname]');
error message: ERROR: permission denied for foreign-data wrapper postgres_fdw
I’ve been googling and still am not unsure if I have a permissions issue I need to resolve first. I’m using the master user created for me by Render, but I also am led to believe that this master user is not a super user. I also tried using a host specification internal to Render but I get the same result.
Am I supposed to be able to do this on Render’s hosted db’s? I would appreciate nudging in the right direction thanks!