Blitz/Prisma Invalid Count Value

I get a “Error: Invalid Count Value” after prisma generate. It’s odd because it looks like it generates successfully, and I can generate from the production db from my local machine.

I had this error yesterday but after a couple of retries, it finally went through.

I’m using this as my build command:

      yarn --frozen-lockfile --prod=false &&
      blitz prisma generate &&
      blitz build &&
      blitz prisma migrate deploy

I got this from the Render Blitz page: Deploy Blitz | Render · Cloud Hosting for Developers

It may be incorrect. ‘prisma generate’ is run as a post install script. It should run after yarn as it’s essentially generating a node package. CI should not have to manually do this.

I don’t think this is the cause, but I’m wondering if including prisma generate is purposeful?

It definitely seems odd that multiple retries cause the behaviour to change - this type of question may be better suited to the framework’s own support channels.

In regards to the docs, our docs follow Blitz’s own documentation for deploying to us at

John B

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