502 Bad Gateway in Europe Region

Looks like a pretty serious problem in Europe region with 502 HTTP errors:

Is anyone else having issues with HTTP 502 errors (Bad Gateway) in Europe right now?
My application just stopped responding, including the /healthcheck (but Render says the Health Check is still returning 200 ) :thinking_face:

Tried re-deploying (and it says it was successful), but still 502 on my end… :disappointed:

Also posted this to Slack: https://render-community.slack.com/archives/CH85FC7PY/p1606484833441100

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I’m also experiencing the issue

@jake is looking into this: https://render-community.slack.com/archives/CH85FC7PY/p1606488216445100

Looks like they’ve identified an issue and fixes are going out now:

https://render-community.slack .com/archives/CBULRG4LV/p1606494387057800

Status page will also be eventually updated: