Whats retention days meaning?

I need render for 2 aims the first to host my web assistant and second to promote my services, but not sure about “retention time period”, Im working with flowise and need to have always up my services, I hope any help with it, thanks!

Retention time period often relates to how long we will retain logs for. I suspect that’s the case here.

If you’re deploying Flowise then be sure to follow their official guide Render | FlowiseAI that has you deploying paid services and a disk to persist flows that you create.

thanks John, only Logs?
and yes Im following flowiseai official guide, Ill upgrade my free version if apply
just want to be sure that my agents wont be banish and always up, if are only logs no prob with, thanks

If you use a free instance type then you will lose flows when the service sleeps or is redeployed. Using a disk, which can only be used with a paid instance type which also means it won’t sleep anymore as paid services don’t sleep.

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