Hello, I am new in web development. I have created a website using mern stack. My website is working good at local host. I wanted to make a live link of my website so i chose render i have deploy my backend code first and it successful done it gives me my backend url. And then i deploy my frontend code also frontend have successfully done. But my backend is not working in frontend. I’m very helpless please help me with this how to run backend in frontend using render .
If you’re on the free tier, your service will shut down in a couple of minutes, and it will take time to cold start again
Hi Rittik,
Mohsin is correct. Our free services have a limitation that you can read more about here: https://docs.render.com/free#spinning-down-on-idle
Is this the behavior you’re seeing? If so, you can avoid this by upgrading services to a paid instance type.
Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)