Unable to deploy an app while build succeded and it listens the port

Hello, this is my first time hosting a REST API on Render. Everything is successful with deployment and my app is listening but at the end deploy fails (since now for several times at least). What do I do?
Here are some logs:

May 9 01:07:49 AM ==> Build successful 🎉 May 9 01:07:49 AM ==> Deploying... May 9 02:35:06 AM ==> Starting service with 'npm run serve' May 9 02:35:11 AM > backend@1.0.0 serve May 9 02:35:11 AM > nodemon --exec babel-node src/index.js [nodemon] 2.0.19 May 9 02:35:12 AM [nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rsMay 9 02:35:12 AM [nodemon] watching path(s): *.* May 9 02:35:12 AM [nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,json May 9 02:35:12 AM [nodemon] startingbabel-node src/index.js May 9 02:35:41 AM Listening on port 5000! May 9 02:35:42 AM Sucess


Are you still encountering the issue to this day? It is likely that Render was not able to pick a custom port you had set.

Jérémy, Render Support

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