Hello everybody and thanks in advance for the help.
I am having troubles on the configurations of my internal urls on front and back end , and i have a custom domain. what should i do? use render sub domains to change my local host domains? or use custom domain url ?
And in CNAME DNS conf. should i use render subdomain or my custom.
I’m not 100% sure what you mean, and there’s not quite enough detail, but I’ll try to cover the basics around your questions.
Custom domains are only used for access from outside Render. The required DNS records (A/CNAME) are provided when you add the custom domain to a service. More in the docs: https://docs.render.com/custom-domains
A typical separated frontend/backend setup will have the frontend as a Static Site, so that it’s CDN’ed and quick to load, with data being hydrated from backend/API calls. As a Static Site has no “server-side” of its own at runtime, those API calls would be made from the client side. So they would need to call the backend/API on a custom or onrender.com domain (a custom domain would be preferential, so you that have more control over cookies)
If you have a Web Service for both the frontend and the backend, and the frontend does server-side rendering, you could make calls over the private network. The services need to be in the same account/team and region. More on private networking: https://docs.render.com/private-network