I get the following output when trying to upload images to Strapi’s media library:
May 28 04:03:37 PM [2021-05-28T14:03:37.064Z] error Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/data/public/uploads/image_name.jpg’
May 28 04:03:37 PM [2021-05-28T14:03:37.066Z] error Error: Internal Server Error
at convertToStrapiError (/opt/render/project/src/node_modules/strapi-plugin-upload/errors.js:38:26)
at Object.upload (/opt/render/project/src/node_modules/strapi-plugin-upload/config/functions/bootstrap.js:35:11)
I have used the one-click Strapi deploy guide and github repos to do my deploy, and according to all guides, everything should be working fine. Also no one on Google seems to be experiencing this issue. Any ideas?
It looks like the Render Disk for your Strapi web service may be missing an uploads folder. You can add one by creating an uploads folder inside your code repository and then redeploying your web service.
Hi, I’m having similar issue. Cloudinary bandwidth was too expensive, so I started a render disk for media uploads. Uploaded a few things, and they appear to be working, but they’re not showing up on the disk. Where are they living?
I have an uploads folder (/public/uploads) with the .gitkeep file on my git. Should my disk path be pointing to this folder?