Our static site srv-bpmjgoj4ttttiup114ag has been deployed several times but is still showing old files:
The latest version of /service-worker.js, as per the deploy, should contain the string “runtime-main.e474865f.js”, but instead contains “runtime-main.b2e32c00.js”. The same is true for other files, they’re all returning old versions, despite having manually re-deployed.
And it looks like the cache just got cleared…not sure if this was related to today’s incident but would love some details on what happened/if it’s likely to happen again, as we’ve had at least 2 other incidents of this shape.
Similar thing is happening with my static site as well (serving old files). Similarly, newly-added redirect rules are not correctly redirecting either.
I tried manual redeploys as well, even after the previous incident was cleared, to no avail.
I’ve been seeing weird things all evening too, like stale deployed pages, and a static site I can’t seem to get online at all (although I’m still new to Render so I don’t know what’s normal).
I wonder if this error is related. I just it got manually (re)deploying a static site:
Mar 11 12:08:03 AM fatal: unable to access 'https://x-access-token:v1.censored@github.com/censored/censored.git/': Could not resolve host: github.com
Wanted to mention that I got the exact same error message before as well: fatal: unable to access 'https://x-access-token:v1.<redacted>@github.com/<org>/<repo>.git/‘: Could not resolve host: github.com
It later resolved (later builds were marked as successes without this error), but I’m still seeing old files being served.
@bkrausz@jasonwang@anemicshark@Spacehaven We did see an elevated rate of failed builds tonight, many of them due to DNS resolution errors. We’re investigating this and the stale cache issue and will update you tomorrow. Thank you for your patience.
Faced the described problem today. Can confirm that it has been fixed for me. The latest version of all assets is served. Everything looks fine. Thanks!