Specified NODE_VERSION not used during deployment

I’m getting a deployment error due to node version incompatibility:

1.173 npm error notsup Required: {"node":">=20.10.0"}
1.173 npm error notsup Actual:   {"npm":"10.7.0","node":"v18.20.4"}

I followed the docs to set node version, and I set NODE_VERSION to 20.15.1. When redeploying after saving, I still get the same error. I also don’t see anything in the logs about requesting a particular node version.

Any ideas? I tried a couple other methods of setting node version from the doc as well, but no success.


Those errors don’t look like the output of Render Native Runtimes. Which Render runtime are you using?

Good call out, I’m using Docker. I haven’t tried changing the Dockerfile yet, I only tried the steps in the doc. I’ll try that now!

Yeah the version issue was coming from the Dockerfile! We’re good now :slight_smile:

Perfect, glad to hear you got it sorted!

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