Hi Render team,
I am trying to run a telegram bot in Docker container which runs polling using python-telegram-bot library. Here is a sample code:
def main():
logging.info("Starting X Bot")
application = Application.builder().token(TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN).build()
application.add_handler(CommandHandler("start", start))
if __name__ == '__main__':
FROM python:3.11.1-slim
# Install pipenv
RUN pip install pipenv
# Set working directory
# Copy files into container
COPY bot.py .
COPY Pipfile .
COPY Pipfile.lock .
# Install dependencies with pipenv
RUN pipenv install --deploy
# Run bot.py with pipenv
CMD ["pipenv", "run", "python", "bot.py"]
The bot runs perfectly fine in a container locally, but once ran on render.com there are constant errors from the telegram python library:
telegram.error.Conflict: Conflict: terminated by other getUpdates request; make sure that only one bot instance is running
There have been concerns raised regarding running telegram bots as web services on Render based on my research and I am doing that in as a background worker as suggested, but still getting errors.
I am aware, that Telegram does not allow you to run two instances of the bot using the same API. I made sure the API key used in the background worker is only used by that worker by reissuing the key and updating this in the settings.
I am 99% confident that only place that API key is used is from inside render.com.
I have a feeling that Render has multiple containers running when doing a deployment to support zero time deployment, which makes starting new container impossible due to telegram API limitations key usage.
Is there a way to limit Render to run only one instance of a container at time to avoid the issues described above?