Reporting bugs in the REST API

Hi, what is the best way to report bugs/ask questions about the REST API? For example, in the webServiceDetailsPOST of POST /services it shows that env is deprecated in favor of runtime and yet the response to create a service returns env and not runtime, as does the “Retrieve Service” endpoint /services/{serviceId}. Is it possible to return runtime too in the response? I understand that env might still be needed in the response for backwards compat.

Hi there,

Thanks for bringing this up. While env is only deprecated and not completely removed, my personal opinion is that our REST API responses for service objects should probably include both env and runtime in the response. I will bring this up with our engineering team.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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Awesome! Thank you, Keith. That’ll fix an issue in the Pulumi provider for Render that I maintain.

I also wanted to report another discrepancy I found in the Retrieve Registry Credentials endpoint. The response does not include the ownerId property which is a required input in the Create Registry Credentials endpoint. I am guessing it’s because the response for the Create endpoint also does not return the ownerId property. Is there another reason to not include it in the GET endpoint’s response?

Hi there,

You would get the ownerId from the id returned from this endpoint: This will return all the owner ids for your personal account and any team/workspaces you belong to. Use the id for your account or team/workspace you want to credential to belong to.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

Hi Keith, thank you for your response. I am aware of the endpoint to list owners. However, I was pointing out that the endpoint to retrieve registry credentials does not return the ownerId associated with the corresponding registry credential.

HI there,

Gotcha, I will pass this on.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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