If I move from the Free plan to the Starter plan ($7/month), will I be charged a maximum of $7? Or is that the minimum that I will be charged plus usage of my service? I only want to pay a max of $7 per month and just want to know how to limit it if $7 isn’t the maximum amount.
Compute (Instance type) pricing is per service, per instance, per month, pro-rated to the second. This means we charge for the time a paid service is provisioned at the end of each month, and not in advance.
So, a single Web Service using a single “Starter” instance type would be a maximum of $7 USD /month per full calendar month. An overrage consideration would be bandwidth (100GB included on individual accounts per month). However, you would be warned via email if you got close to that limit.
Current usage, upcoming (projected) monthly charges, and previous invoices are available to view at any time on your billing page.
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