Hi, I m using render.com free plan (thanks a lot for that !) for a Node.js application
Under “environment” tab I just added this as test :
- key: MY_TEST_VAR
- value : et+voil@@@_1$_2$$_3$$$_4$$$$_thats
Under my nodeJs project, I’m printing this var to the console:
console.log(- MY_TEST_VAR:${process.env.MY_TEST_VAR}
And what I see for “$” sign is that in some case, there is substitution, that impact env variable integrity :
Logs output : - MY_TEST_VAR:et+voil@@@_1$_2$_3$$_4$$_thats
I’m not sure where to post this, and I think this is maybe a bug.
If someone from render could reproduce and create a ticket please link it here
if there is another reason please let me know
best regards