Hello, I have a deployed website that runs the UI but i have a flask application running on port 5000 that from my error logs doesn’t seem to be running. I keep encountering the issue
==> No open ports detected, continuing to scan…
Sep 18 11:06:33 AM==> Docs on specifying a port: Web Services – Render Docs
Sep 18 11:06:41 AM==> Running ‘gunicorn -b app:app’
Sep 18 11:06:58 AM[2024-09-18 10:06:58 +0000] [84] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 23.0.0
Sep 18 11:06:58 AM[2024-09-18 10:06:58 +0000] [84] [INFO] Listening at: (84)
Sep 18 11:06:58 AM[2024-09-18 10:06:58 +0000] [84] [INFO] Using worker: sync
Sep 18 11:06:58 AM[2024-09-18 10:06:58 +0000] [92] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 92
Sep 18 11:06:59 AM127.0.0.1 - - [18/Sep/2024:10:06:59 +0000] “HEAD / HTTP/1.1” 200 0 “-” “Go-http-client/1.1”
Sep 18 11:07:07 AM==> Your service is live
Sep 18 11:12:06 AM==> Detected service running on port 5000
Which i dont quite understand why the service is detected after the HEAD request (presumably) but not before. I have set the PORT in the env variables as well as port and host binding in the gunicorn start command, and read through the port-binding docs but nothing seems to help