I’m using RedwoodJS and am trying to use supabase to host a db but render keeps trying to link me to the db created alongside my api and web service. I suspended the db service and added env vars for DATABASE_URL
The error I’m getting:
Please make sure your database server is running at `dpg-coc2kn0l6cac73eop8e0-a`:`5432`.
Here’s more of the log, its pretty much just this over and over again with slight changes.
{"level":50,"time":1712941324418,"pid":108,"hostname":"srv-coc2l7gl6cac73eopnc0-hibernate-768749dc6c-xrml6","name":"graphql-server","err":{"type":"GraphQLError","message":"\nInvalid `prisma.gigListing.findMany()` invocation:\n\n\nCan't reach database server at `dpg-coc2kn0l6cac73eop8e0-a`:`5432`\n\nPlease make sure your database server is running at `dpg-coc2kn0l6cac73eop8e0-a`:`5432`. **Error continues in a similar pattern**"
Do I need to change me render.yaml
file? Currently it looks like it’s mentioning the db.