Internal Redis URL with .NET StackExchange.Redis Lib possible?

Hi @All

I am running a .NET 8.0 App in a Docker container running on render which connects via the StackExchange-Redis library to a native redis instance running on render .

It works fine, but i am using it this way;

var redisOptions = new ConfigurationOptions
EndPoints = { “myUrl” },
Password = configuration[“REDIS_CONNECTION_PWD”],
User = configuration[“REDIS_CONNECTION_USER”],
Ssl = true,
AbortOnConnectFail = false,

Depending on the official docs (Redis®* – Render Docs), i think this is implicitly the “outside form render way”. With my setup, i think i should be able to do it the “inside render” - way.

Is this possible with StackExchange.Redis? If not, do i have to expect some performance issues?

Thanks for your help!


Hi there,

As long as both services are running within the same account and region, you should be able to connect to the Redis instance via its internal connection string.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6, UTC-7 in Winter)

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