[INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 64)

Hello, my Python application has deployed successfully. I have an app.py and requirements.txt file, but when viewing the app - I see everything except a page that loads a picture using the following code:

    pic = filtered['image.asset.url'].iloc[0]
    response = requests.get(pic)
    img = Image.open(BytesIO(response.content))

An image is supposed to populate and be filtered based on a selection from a dropdown menu. However, nothing shows up on the page - there are a few more things that are supposed to load, but this is definitely the most compute-intensive thing on the page. When I check the logs, it looks pretty clean with the exception of this line:

[INFO] Worker exiting (pid: 64)

Is this something I can fix while still using the free version of Render?

Thank you!

Hi there,

This looks like an application-specific issue not likely caused by Render. That being said, here are a few things to think about:

  • Do you have any error handling in place around each part of the code involved in retrieving and displaying that image?
  • Have you debugged the call to retrieve the image to verify the response is actually the image data?
  • Have you reached out to a Python community about the issue to see if they may have some insight?

If after exploring these questions you are still having issues and think Render itself may be the cause, we will be happy to take another look.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6)

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