Infinity building

Hello, i’m trying to deploy my mern vite app as a web service but encountered some problems, at first it was starus 127 error like vite not found i fixed? it with --production=false to my build command

“npm install && npm install --prefix client --production=false && npm run build --prefix client && npm install --prefix server && npm run server”

then it was 126 error - i learned that i need to delete node modules folder from server folder in github. Done.

and now it just builing infinitely… what can i do?

my folder structure is
site/server folder
site/client folder
site/package.json where build command is

and my build logs
==> Cloning from my-repo
Apr 30 04:40:24 PM==> Checking out commit b959c1b4bdce9ef4d62f9ae1c7e5f3f1a6f67b5c in branch main

Apr 30 04:40:26 PM==> Using Node version 20.12.2 (default)

Apr 30 04:40:26 PM==> Docs on specifying a Node version:

Apr 30 04:40:29 PM==> Using Bun version 1.1.0 (default)

Apr 30 04:40:29 PM==> Docs on specifying a bun version:

Apr 30 04:40:29 PM==> Running build command ‘npm run build’…

Apr 30 04:40:30 PM

Apr 30 04:40:53 PM✓ built in 10.56s

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PMadded 160 packages, and audited 162 packages in 1s

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM18 packages are looking for funding

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM run npm fund for details

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PMfound 0 vulnerabilities

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM> server

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM> npm start --prefix server

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM> start

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM> nodemon server.js

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM[nodemon] 3.0.1

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM[nodemon] to restart at any time, enter rs

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM[nodemon] watching path(s): .

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM[nodemon] watching extensions: js,mjs,cjs,json

Apr 30 04:40:55 PM[nodemon] starting node server.js

Apr 30 04:40:55 PMServer running in production mode on port 10000

Apr 30 04:40:55 PMMongoDB Connected

any ideas where problem is?

Edit: after two hours stasus changed to - Exited with status 143 while building your code.
But i cant find what status 143 is…


I see that you’ve already initiated a support ticket with us. To avoid any confusion or duplicate efforts, let’s continue the conversation there

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