I can't Deploy my spring boot app. please help me resolve my problem

Evry time when i deploying my app it work first 1 - 2 minute later it give me error like that

==> No open ports detected, continuing to scan…

Please how can help me ?


I’ve replied to the ticket you also opened. I’ll add the same response here:

Render Web Services expects an HTTP web server to run binding to host and a port. More in the docs: https://docs.render.com/web-services#port-binding

I have a very basic Spring Boot example that deploys and returns requests. Maybe that will help to compare to see if there’s any particular configuration you need to get your project up and running.

HI @al_ps

Thank you for response.
I traying but i can not do
Please see my code and say me what i doing wrong

I’m not a Java/Spring Boot expert, I only have the working example I shared. I don’t see any references to binding to as required by Render Web Services.

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