How does Render handle database maintenance?

With Heroku, they’ll create a standby follower and transfer my application over to the follower then do maintenance on the other one.

I’ve been with Render since October and I’ve not seen an update on our database instance yet?

Has any been done in the background without me noticing at all?

Hi Che,

You’ll be notified via email and a banner in the dashboard when your database is nearing its scheduled maintenance window.

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Thanks, still have a few questions below:

  • How often are the maintenance windows?
  • What effect do maintenance windows have on my application?
  • Does my app experience any downtime?
  • If so are there ways to perform zero-downtime DB maintenance?

hey @shantanu could I get a response on my follow-up questions.

Hi @che ,

  • How often are the maintenance windows?

We don’t have a specific schedule, since it depends on when maintenance is necessary, but it tends to be on the order of many months between required maintenance.

  • What effect do maintenance windows have on my application?

During the maintenance window, we might need to restart your database, which usually takes a few minutes to complete before your database is able to serve queries again.

  • Does my app experience any downtime?

Your app will be unable to use the database during the few minutes of database downtime. The downtime isn’t during the entire maintenance window, but will just be a period during the maintenance window when we are restarting your database.

  • If so are there ways to perform zero-downtime DB maintenance?

We know zero-downtime databases are important, and a requirement for many use cases, and are planning on adding support in a coming update to our database product. Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific timeline for this, so I can’t promise a time when you’d be able to use it.

Please let me know if you need any more clarification, or have any more questions.

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How much time it will take and is there any way to check database maintenance is completed or not??


Database maintenance usually takes a few minutes, your database will be unavailable during that time and the status should change to something like “Maintenance Started” or simply “Unavailable”, until the status changes back to “Available” as soon as possible :slight_smile:

Render Support, UTC+3

Day before yesterday I got a mail on 14th Feb your database maintenance is schedule . Today again I got a mail on 1st March we schedule database maintenance how many times render do this maintenance scheduling

This was an error on our side where a future maintenance was scheduled incorrectly with almost no notice, so you may have received a notification for the 14th but then we changed that to 1st March to give you the opportunity to schedule at your own requirements.


John B
Render Support, UTC :uk:

Today I again received from Render for critical interface maintenance .how many times this maintenance is happened.


Please follow up with us by contacting us via the dashboard ‘Contact Support’ form, we don’t have the context of your particular database here.

Render Support, UTC+3