Hello I am new to Render.My backend code works perfectly in local but error in deployment Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance


There will always be differences between environments: development mode/Local, production mode/Render, etc. These differences need to be considered and configured as required for your own app in each environment.

You may be traversing too high up the folder structure.

/opt/render/project/src/ is where your repo is downloaded too.

And index.js is being run from there:

INFO- /opt/render/project/src/index.js

But the error shows it’s trying to look for a file a level higher (../):


Which would be looking outside of the folder where you code is download. (/opt/render/project/catero-server/api/middleware/). If the catero-server folder is also in the root of your repo, it would likely be referenced with a single period: ./catero-server/api/middleware/verifyToken

Also, be aware that Render Native Runtimes use Linux with a case-sensitive filesystem. So file references in your code need to match the casing of the file path exactly.
