Health check with cors enabled

I set the health check path to /api/v1/health

This path is already excluded from cors (you can check the above link)

Not sure why the health check path is shown as

and you can see it shows failed response (due to cors). However, the build was still Live, as if the check passed.

=> I’m confused, is Health check working as intended?

Hi @alfienguyen,

I’ve responded to you privately, but will post here to close the loop as well. Apologies if the health check URL listed in the dashboard is confusing - the health check is not run on the external URL, but rather the address accessible by the internal-hostname:port. We’re working on making this more clear in the dashboard.

The health check just needs to respond with a 200 status in order for the service to be marked live - which I see that your endpoint is responding with, despite the error you’re seeing in the logs.

Hi @Jade_Paoletta

Thanks for the follow-up. However, I’ve tried a random path (/randomxyz) for health check and the build still passed:

Not sure if health check is working properly in my case.


Thanks for the additional details. After some further testing, it does look like this is a bug, specifically with the free plan. We’ll be filing a bug report around this to fix it!

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