gRPC working on render

Hey guys,
does web service support grpc applications?
Best regards,

Hi @picopco,

There’s certainly nothing preventing you from spinning up gRPC services on Render and calling them from other Render services in the same Region. However, as of today the service won’t be able to communicate over the public internet without some additional provisions.

If your gRPC clients could all connect to a VPN you could leverage our Tailscale example to set up a gateway for making requests to your gRPC service.

Alternatively, you could deploy a gateway such as GitHub - grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway: gRPC to JSON proxy generator following the gRPC HTTP spec to proxy requests to your gRPC service.

I see we do have an existing feature request for this capability at gRPC support | Feature Requests | Render, I’d also encourage you to upvote that request and add some context about your use-case.



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