Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()

Github: GitHub - LohitoBurrito/IRIS

I was wondering if anyone knew why I would get this error. I was thinking it was because my frontend is not connect to my nodeJS backend. I did however add the rewrite rules:

  1. Source: /api/* Destination: {backendurl}/api.*
  2. Source: /* Destination: index.js

Also, the Failed to load resources error occurs by going into the homepage → gui, and it is shown in the console

UPDATE: I was able to fix this and have the frontend connect with the backend, but I ran into another issue.

I have a json files stored in a folder called client/data in my github that I am editing from server/index.js using “fs”. This works in my localhost when I run it in ports 3000 (client) and 4000 (server) where I can actually edit the json files, but it doesn’t seem to work here. Is there a way to bypass this, or would I have to establish an actual database?

Hi Lohito,

Glad to hear you got it working.

If you want to save data files you’ll need a persistent disk.



Hi, I have problems with persisting uploaded files. It is possible to get a persistent disk with a personal plan?

Hi Lohito,

You can get a persistent disk with any paid instance type, including those under an individual plan. See for more information.



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