External redis connection returns AUTH failed

I am unable to connect to redis externally via the external connection string.

Steps taken:
add my ip to the allow list for redis

connect to redis via cli using recommended approach:
REDIS_CLI_AUTH=<pw> redis-cli --user <user> -h <host> -p 6379 --tls

the above works, however my app uses the connection string approach, when I copy the connection string given from render and connect in this manner:

redis-cli --tls -u rediss://<usr>:<pw>@<host>:6379

I connect to the server but with an AUTH failed message that does not allow me to do anything further

I need to be able to connect externally using a connection string.

please help

Hi James,

Can you test out the connection string approach from your local machine and confirm it’s working there?

If so, the best place to start is double-checking the IP address you have in the allow-list for your server.

Let me know how that goes.



I have the same issue locally, both hosts I’ve tried from are whitelisted

just a further note, I setup a redis db on digital ocean password + tls similar setup to the one on render but was able to connect just fine over the connection string from both render and the DO machine so this is definitely something with the way the render redis db is setup for external connections

Hi James,

To help me understand what’s going on I’ll send you an email so you can share some account-specific information that you may not want to post in a public forum.



Hey @mmaddex
Could you send me a note as well? I just setup Redis and am able to connect just fine remotely using the IP list but my ‘in Render’ route doesn’t seem to respond though it does show a connection.

Hi Rob,

That sounds like a different issue than what James is facing. Could you file a support ticket at support@render.com with all the relevant details (i.e. service id’s, detailed explanation of the issue, etc.)?



Will do, thanks.

This appears to have been due an older version of redis-cli.

Using version 6.2.2 or above should prevent this behavior.

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