Error when uploading MERN project

I have two folders in my notepal folder app, client and serverside which houses their separate package.json files. But I get these errors when I try to deploy them:

Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! code ENOENT
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! syscall open
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! path /opt/render/project/src/package.json
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! errno -2
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! enoent ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ‘/opt/render/project/src/package.json’
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! enoent
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM npm ERR! /opt/render/.cache/_logs/2023-08-25T15_49_57_840Z-debug.log
Aug 25 04:49:57 PM ==> Build failed :disappointed:

Please this is my first time of using render, so I just followed instructions from a youtube video.

Hi Justice. I haven’t ran into this specific issue, but I think I ran into a similar issue when I tried deploying my Python Flask web app using Render. I updated my Start Command to change directories into my flaskapp directory (similar to your client/serverside folders). Hope this helps!

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thanks for helping bryan but it didn’t work. I think the problem has to do with my deploy settings on my render dashboard. But again thanks for helping.

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