{"success":false,"error":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/opt/render/project/src/frontend/build/index.html'"}

{“success”:false,“error”:“ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat ‘/opt/render/project/src/frontend/build/index.html’”}


When asking the community for assistance, please elaborate on your issue in as much detail as possible, e.g. full logs/error messages, what you’ve tried, what language/framework, screenshots, etc. to show the problem you’re experiencing. Just pasting a small error/snippet makes it hard for anyone to help you.

The error shows a file your code is looking for is not found. You’ll need to make sure the file is where your code is looking for it. The file path contains “build” so maybe you’re not building the frontend files correctly at build time.


I have developed a MERN stack website. For frontend, I deployed it on netlify, and trying to deploy the backend on render. Now It is showing some other errors.

Oct 17 12:19:42 AM GET / 500 1.340 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:46 AM HEAD / 500 4.850 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:48 AM GET / 500 1.348 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:49 AM GET /favicon.ico 500 3.438 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:50 AM GET / 500 1.326 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:50 AM GET /favicon.ico 500 3.283 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:19:58 AM GET / 500 6.261 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:20:49 AM HEAD / 500 1.605 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:21:04 AM GET / 500 1.226 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:21:17 AM HEAD / 500 1.357 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:21:42 AM HEAD / 500 1.045 ms - 119
Oct 17 12:25:24 AM GET / 500 1.380 ms - 119

These are the errors. How could I handle these errors?

I’m not sure. A 500 would be an internal server error, which is most likely coming from an issue in your code. You may need to increase the logging level if you’re using a logging framework. Or adding some more logging to the root path/route to see if you can catch the error.


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