Deploying to Render issue. bash: gunicorn: command not found

I am trying to upload my django project to render, however i get this error: bash: gunicorn: command not found

I have gunicorn installed, and it is in the requirements txt.

Here is the logs:

==> Cloning from GitHub - d00206788/djangosystem

Dec 18 05:39:27 PM==> Checking out commit 536e5f653de0810e6c9d930bdb8938db2ac1662e in branch main

Dec 18 05:39:31 PM==> Using Node version 20.10.0 (default)

Dec 18 05:39:34 PM==> Using Python version 3.11.6 (default)

Dec 18 05:39:37 PM==> Using Poetry version 1.7.1 (default)

Dec 18 05:39:37 PM==> Running build command ‘pip3 freeze > requirements.txt pip install gunicorn’…

Dec 18 05:39:43 PM==> Uploading build…

Dec 18 05:39:51 PM==> Build uploaded in 7s

Dec 18 05:39:51 PM==> Build successful :tada:

Dec 18 05:39:54 PM==> Deploying…

Dec 18 05:41:43 PM==> Using Node version 20.10.0 (default)

Dec 18 05:41:53 PM==> Running 'gunicorn djangomainproject.wsgi:application gunicorn app:app ’

Dec 18 05:41:53 PMbash: gunicorn: command not found

Dec 18 05:41:55 PM==> Using Node version 20.10.0 (default)

Dec 18 05:41:55 PM==> Docs on specifying a Node version: Setting Your Node.js Version | Render Docs

Dec 18 05:42:00 PM==> Running 'gunicorn djangomainproject.wsgi:application gunicorn app:app ’

Dec 18 05:42:00 PMbash: gunicorn: command not found

Multiple commands (Build Command, Start Command) need to be separated by a ;. Gunicorn is not being installed because pip install gunicorn is being passed as a file name to the > requirements.txt pip install gunicorn redirection. Thus, pip install gunicorn isn’t being processed as a command, gunicorn isn’t being installed, and it is correctly reported as not existing.

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Thank you for the help !! :slight_smile:

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