Feb 4 01:06:42 PM ./PythonApp/requirements.txt
Feb 4 01:06:42 PM ==> Generating container image from build. This may take a few minutes…
Feb 4 01:07:53 PM ==> Uploading build…
Feb 4 01:08:23 PM ==> Build uploaded in 24s
Feb 4 01:08:23 PM ==> Build successful
Feb 4 01:08:23 PM ==> Deploying…
Feb 4 01:08:55 PM ==> Starting service with ‘gunicorn app:app’
Feb 4 01:08:55 PM bash: gunicorn: command not found
Feb 4 01:09:06 PM ==> Starting service with ‘gunicorn app:app’
Feb 4 01:09:06 PM bash: gunicorn: command not found
You need to type gunicorn in your requirements.txt and if done already, on your build command make sure you not confusing gunicorn app: main, with gunicorn main:app
I have run into the gunicorn: command not found issue as well.
I am deploying a Dash Multipage application.
gunicorn has been added to the requirements file.
Additionally, I have a a custom build file which I have included below.
To try to resolve the gunicorn: command not found error, I added gunicorn again on the build file with a command to ensure it is added to path.
The start command is:
gunicorn run:app
as the entry point to the application is a file named “run”
Are there any suggestions around best way to resolve the gunicorn: command not found issue in this particular situation?