Deploying Django Rest API but I get A 404 error

I have successfully deployed my DRF api but i keep getting a 404 error ,

my logs.
Feb 24 05:58:15 PM ==> Generating container image from the build. This may take a few minutes…
Feb 24 06:00:05 PM ==> Uploading build…
Feb 24 06:00:27 PM ==> Build uploaded in 16s
Feb 24 06:00:28 PM ==> Build successful :tada:
Feb 24 06:00:28 PM ==> Deploying…
Everything is working locally


We’re seeing transient issues related to deploy times but are working on ways to mitigate it. I see that your last few deploys were successful, do you still require any help?

Jérémy, Render Support

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