Hello I have just create an account and linked a simple node.js server in the free plan. Just after deploying and testing it I got automatically disconected and cannot login back, whenever I click Login I just get sent back to the login screen. I have tried clearing cookies, cache, etc, changing browser and going incognito. No clue what could have caused it
Same here. I get logged out immediately after logging in using either GitHub or email/password.
Just made another post for the same reason.
Just got an email update. Hopefully should be resolved soon.
New incident: Identified
Logins to dashboard . render . com are currently failing, attempting to do so returns you to the main login page. Engineering has already begun diagnosing the issue.
Same issue, getting constantly disconnected … cannot reconnect with Git
Back up now.
This issue was posted to our status page ( Render Status - Dashboard logins failing ), engineering was paged, and swiftly resolved.
We are seing the same thing
same thing
Posts after Jason’s response were in our review pipeline and approved for posterity. The issue has not resurfaced.