Cannot deploy Ngrok docker image

getting this error when trying to deploy a Render server with this Ngrok Docker image

I have the “Docker command” section filled out with this

docker run --net=host -it -e NGROK_AUTHTOKEN=xxxxxxxxxx ngrok/ngrok:latest http 80
==> Starting service...
==> There was a problem starting your server: "docker": executable file not found in $PATH
==> Cause of failure could not be determined
==> Common ways to troubleshoot your deploy:

Hi there,

You don’t use docker commands directly on Render. Our documentation for using Docker on Render can be found here: If you want to run Ngrok’s prebuilt image, then you should read this part of the documentation:


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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Thanks Keith,

the documentation is not really helpful though. I followed the exact steps in “Deploy from a registry”, and still experiencing errors.

  • I am trying to use a public image:
  • I create a new web service using this public image, and clicked “Create”. According to the documentation, that’s all that’s needed – “You’re done! Render pulls the image from the registry and kicks off the service’s initial deploy.”

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