520 error instead of an alert

Hi I designed a warning alert when the user exceeds a file upload limit (>1) or size limit (>1MB). Both alerts work fine on local machine. When I deployed it on render the size limit warning works fine but not file upload limit. I get the following ugly 520 error. Could you please help me. I am planning to deploy the service to public in 2 days. thanks

You can reproduce the error by creating a free account here and uploading more than one file.

Hi there,

This seems to work fine for me. If you continue to see an issue here, can you please open a ticket from our dashboard?


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

That is strange. Do you think cloudfare works differently in different countries? I am trying this in India currently. I also noticed sometimes i get the alert fine but sometimes it throws that 520 error.

Hi there,

I don’t think it’s related to which country you are located in. I see 520 errors sometimes occurring on Free services when it is the first request to spin the service back up. I suspect it is related to the amount of time these requests take to respond, particularly if the service is slow to boot.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

But I am upgraded to Starter service not free. So are you saying this will keep happening? thanks.

Hi there,

Please open a ticket with us so we can have a closer look. I don’t think the service you refer to belongs to the email address you use on our community forum, so it is hard for us to check your services.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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