Hello everyone
I have some issue to reach my Laravel API hosted on Render. Everything works fine in localhost but when I try with the Render url, I get an error 404. I used this tutorial to deploy my api and I’m using postman to make the requests.
The only thing I have in the log is :
So I did some digging. Apparently the issue is when I’m adding something behind the Render url… This “https://my_url/” works but this “https://my_url/api” does not.
So I told my self “maybe the routes are not created” so I added this commad “php artisan route:list” and here is the output :
POST api/products … products.store › ProductController@store
It is hard to answer this question without being able to look at the specific service having the issue. What you have provided looks okay to me. Please use the “Contact Support” link from our dashboard to open a ticket directly with us?