Web Service - Node - Ran out of memory

I have a Standard (2GB Ram available) Web Service running a Next v13
The start command is next start
I have an env var NODE_OPTIONS with value --max_old_space_size=1536
When a run this command on the shell:
node -e 'console.log(v8.getHeapStatistics().heap_size_limit/(1024*1024))'
It returns 1560

But the garbage collector is not triggered at 1500MB of usage, instead it reaches 2GB and crash with a Ran out of memory (used over 2GB) while running your code.

Am I missing something?


You seem to be running a Standard instance type here but you made no mention of the service id/name affected, could you reach out to us via the “Contact Support” form in the dashboard so we could investigate?

Render Support, UTC+3

also having this issue.


If you require specific assistance regarding this matter, please reach out to us through the “Contact Support” form in the dashboard. We kindly ask you to provide detailed information so that we can accurately identify and address any similar issues.

Render Support, UTC+3

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