Vite React builds and deploys ok by server error in console

Ive buit a vite react app and it builds and deploys as a static website, but only returns a white screen, in the inspect console
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 () Refused to apply style from ‘’ because its MIME type (‘text/plain’) is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled.

from index html - i added in type=“css” after some googling/stackoverflow but im a bit over my head…

any suggestions/idea welcome


Static Sites showing “MIME type (‘text/plain’)” will often be because the asset is being incorrectly referenced.

The site linked looks like it may have been deleted, but I suspect the /assets/index-BP86sDtK.css was returning just “Not found”, so correctly had a MIME type of text/plain.

You would need to check the structure of your static files. That they’re configured correctly to reference valid path and that the “Publish Directory” is set correctly to where your static files are stored/generated.

Thanks al_ps ill go over everything again and get it a whirl later in the week.

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