Apr 11 08:52:20 PM ==> Starting service with ‘uvicorn app:cfd’
Apr 11 08:52:25 PM INFO: Started server process [36]
Apr 11 08:52:25 PM INFO: Waiting for application startup.
Apr 11 08:52:25 PM INFO: Application startup complete.
Apr 11 08:52:25 PM INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Logs shows build successful and service starts but main site shows nothing
I am using port 8000 and build command uvicorn app:cfd
It works on Localhost but not when I deploy
Apr 11 08:33:43 AM INFO: Uvicorn running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Apr 11 08:37:07 AM INFO: Shutting down
where your server shuts down after 4 seconds. I recommend adding additional logging, or increasing log verbosity, to understand why your server is shutting down. From your logs, it looks like it might also only be listening on IP address, but Render requires that you are listening on address
Heroku : Tried same app on heroku it isnt deployed as faced error over buildpack as I needed dlib and heroku didnt even start the service and also a point to note lib.so took over 300MB so Heroku kept crashing
Render : Tried similar thing service started just i wasnt able to see output started a topic and just upadting build command and everything is running render took care of all dependencies
Hetzner Cloud : A lot of installation to be done right from Cmake, Dlib consuming a lot of time
I am having somewhat similar issue, the uvicorn server just stops.
Mar 2 07:31:14 PM INFO: - “GET /docs HTTP/1.1” 200 OK
Mar 2 07:31:14 PM INFO: - “GET /openapi.json HTTP/1.1” 200 OK
Mar 2 07:31:14 PM INFO: Shutting down
I am trying to do webscrapping which works like charm on localserver but on render it shutdown after 1 min.