Trying to migrate from Heroku to render with plugin

Im trying to migrate from Heroku to render with a simple node.js website.
Unfortunately, I got stuck in “Generating render.yaml file” after installing the plugin, it says permission denied even if I am logged into both platforms.
can somebody take a look please?

=== Gathering information about Heroku app
Verifying Heroku app exists and CLI is logged in... ✔️
Verifying app's buildpacks... ✔️

It doesn't look like you have a Procfile in your repository. Procfiles are used
to tell a buildpack-based application what to run, and while Render's importer
will attempt to guess how best to run your app, we recommend adding a Procfile
to reduce ambiguity and to ensure predictable execution of your app.

You can learn more about Procfiles here:

The importer expects a `web` entry in order to run your app on Render.

Do you want to continue without a Procfile? (y/n): y
Getting stack image... heroku-22
Getting and translating plan... Heroku Free $0/mo --> Render Free $0/mo
Getting instance count... 1
Getting custom domains... 2 custom domain(s)
Getting environment variables... 1 environment variable(s)
Getting add-ons... 1 add-on(s)

? Select addons to import. postgresql-rigid-45010 using hobby-dev plan

Create render.yaml, .render-buildpacks.json, and Dockerfile.render? This will overwrite any existing files with the same name. (y/n): y
Generating render.yaml file... !
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open 'render.yaml'
    at (~/.local/share/heroku/node_modules/@renderinc/heroku-import/src/commands/render/import.js:202:8)
    at async ImportCommand._run (~/.local/share/heroku/node_modules/@oclif/command/lib/command.js:43:20)
    at async Config.runCommand (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/heroku/7.65.0/libexec/node_modules/@oclif/command/node_modules/@oclif/config/lib/config.js:173:24)
    at async (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/heroku/7.65.0/libexec/node_modules/@oclif/command/lib/main.js:27:9)
    at async Main._run (/opt/homebrew/Cellar/heroku/7.65.0/libexec/node_modules/@oclif/command/lib/command.js:43:20)

Just to follow up here, we discussed the issue over a ticket.

Seems the Heroku migrator wasn’t needed on this occasion and deploying the project to a Static Site got things up and running.


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