Telegram bot issue, requires terminal to run the setup file

So i have made telegram bot using webhook
scenario on local for running the bot
first time setup (
I need to run the file for the first time and requires terminal for adding values to input
the main file is which will be running always
How can i achieve this on render?


Bots are best deployed to us using a Background Worker - these run persistently in the background and don’t expose any web server however, these service types aren’t available with a free instance type.

Service builds don’t have any interactivity, so you may have to add the commands as part of your Build Command. You’ll need to configure your app to be configured to run/setup unattended.


When I run the, I receive an OTP on my email, which I need to enter. From this, a unique code will be generated, which I am writing in settings.json.
This code is required to run

how can i achieve this on render?