SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac & ERROR: value too long for type character varying(128)

I have a flask app that is connected to Postgres. However, I am unable to write to the database.

[65e9e48e.17e2-5] user=classpart_user,db=classpart,app=[unknown],client=,STATEMENT: INSERT INTO “user” (username, email, password_hash) VALUES (‘test’, ‘’, ‘scrypt:32768:8:1$rUWn1GLZy5tX4jop$787c8b08144b10c4fbc988b03acf0a3dacfd0bac6e7488a5b8734f2512161013183ce3b4e8b441944446a6e8acbfb33d96bc90cfe1f7143200da0bab3f5630df’) RETURNING “user”.id, “user”.created_at

[65e9e41e.1778-4] user=classpart_user,db=classpart,app=[unknown],client=,ERROR: value too long for type character varying(128)

This is the error log. [65e9d888.c90-6] user=classpart_user,db=classpart,app=[unknown],client=,LOG: SSL error: decryption failed or bad record mac


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