Hey everyone,
We recently released our open source project on github:
We wanted to add a deploy to heroku type button. But not heroku because it sucks!
So here I am, I wondered if render had a similar button style feature?
Hey everyone,
We recently released our open source project on github:
We wanted to add a deploy to heroku type button. But not heroku because it sucks!
So here I am, I wondered if render had a similar button style feature?
You mean a button like exists on GitHub - render-examples/django-quick-start: Deploy a Django app on Render for example?
Thanks, I can look at the repo to see how it is done.
Is there any documentation that covers it?
The big preview box is the documentation page. (“Deploy to Render Button | Render”)
I agree. Discourse (this forum system)'s link previewing and fancifying is pretty, but obscures discoverability until you’re used to it.
Haha yeah thanks! My eyes just ignored it
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