Sh: 1: strapi: not found

I’m having this error while trying to deploy my strapi app. Please help

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Hi there,

A couple quick initial things to check:

  • Is strapi properly specified in a package.json file or equivalent?
  • Is it getting installed via a properly configured build command (e.g. for Node, is npm install specified)?

If it’s not either of those issues, we can then look further.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-7)

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Hi, yes strapi is in the package.json and I installed it with npm intsall. You can check my repo here Thanks for answer me.

Hi Leonardo,

In order to look at your service in more detail you will need to reach out to us privately via the “Help” link in the Render Dashboard. Be sure to specify the service you are referring to.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-7)

I got the same problem. Should I also reach out to you privately ??

did you get the answer?

Did you make sure the node version is compatible?

You can specify the Node versions in the environment variables

NODE_VERSION=18.18.0 for instance.

That fixed mine anyway. I’m using latest Strapi version 4.15.5

Hi Max,

The most common reasons for this particular error are:

  • strapi is not listed in the package.json file dependencies
  • npm install is not specified within the build command that gets run on the service

If anyone encountering this error is confident they’ve ruled out those causes, it would be best to reach out to Render Support privately via the “Help” link in the Dashboard and we will be happy to take a closer look at the problem.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-7)

I’ve just came up with the solution:

Build Command as :
yarn; yarn build

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