I’m having issues trying to make a selenium standalone work.
Now i’m trying to make it work with a render.yaml file that looks like this.
type: web
name: consigin100
runtime: docker
dockerfilePath: ./Dockerfile
rootDir: .
type: worker
name: selenium-worker
runtime: docker
rootDir: .
dockerCommand: “docker run -d -p 4444:4444 --shm-size=‘2g’ selenium/standalone-chrome:4.13.0-20230926”
But this error is showing:
Your service failed to start due to a misconfigured start command:
"docker": executable file not found in $PATH
I think my biggest challenge is to work arounk the “docker run” command.
Any suggestions?
I have a Dockerfile where the start.sh is called just to make the command python app.py
also the requirements.txt
If your Dockerfile has a CMD or ENTRYPOINT instruction you don’t need to include a dockerCommand.
Also worth noting is that when you run Docker containers on Render, we handle the details of running the docker container. So if you do specify a dockerCommand, it should not be calling docker ..., it would be something like start.sh, or similar.
Thank you for your answer!
But i still have some doubts.
My Dockerfile is set to start the web application and it does have a cmd instruction to start it.
And i would like to upload the selenium image and exec it as a “docker run” command would do in the docker background worker. Is it wrong?
Another thing, I understand now that the dockerCommand set’s a start command. So should I upload to build and exec the selenium image in the start.sh?! If that’s the case, how?
On my localhost i just do the “docker run”…
If you could explain i would appreciate it!
Thanks again!
The dockerCommand is optional, it will override your CMD or ENTRYPOINT instruction in your Dockerfile. So any command you put in dockerCommand should be something that would work as CMD or ENTRYPOINT.
And i would like to upload the selenium image and exec it as a “docker run” command would do in the docker background worker.