Rclone to Render

Does render offer an application hosting target that I can copy my assets to with Rclone? This could be in lieu of using a repo for a static site.

Normally, Render downloads the repo, runs build, and uploads the output to the can. All good.

A repo (at least my repos) can get a bit cluttered with stuff that shouldn’t be there (get’s picked up by a commit before removing and ignoring those files in a later commit).

With Rclone, I’d have to do the build at a location I control (with Hugo that’s pretty trivial), then Rclone the stuff to Render. In theory, that might require persistent storage, which a normal static site doesn’t require. In practice, though the output of the build is, of course, persisted. So, I’d need to Rclone to that place.

Why? Good question. When I’m doing the blogging, I wouldn’t need this. I can push from my local repo to origin/master. I can use Working Copy on iDevices. But, it’s a bit of a heavy load for non-technical users. I’d use Dropbox and share content folders with other authors. I’d build to a different directory on Dropbox and Rclone the output to the Render destination (yeah, Rclone is great for working with the Dropbox API when you don’t want to sync something to your local machine).

Just curious. It’s hardly fatal if not possible.

Also curious how others simplify the blog workflow for non-technical contributors. My 2 thoughts:

  • just email the post to me: I’ll post it.
  • shared dropbox folder for posts: I add them to the repo, push–and done

Either would work and provide benefits of Render. Probably the right answer.


Hello! Currently, we only support GitHub + GitLab flows for deploying to Render. If you want, though, you could leave a feature request here for Rclone, and you’ll receive any updates when we have news on progress: Feature Requests | Render

Until then, your ideas for handling it seem like they would work, but you might want to look into Pull Request previews as well. If you activate it for your service, instances will be created for each Pull Request you have as they’re made, and you could check there first to make sure the content looks correct before merging to master. Not entirely sure if that will help with your use case, but might be helpful!