Questions about Docker images and blueprints

Hello everyone,

render has lately kept shipping features I need for the switch of a complex SaaS to it. That said the latest addition of being able to deploy Docker images left me with some questions regarding the blueprint:
Let’s say in my blueprint I have for one service an image:

env: image

  url: my/image:older
  1. If I update said image i.e. post a new version with the same tag to the external registry, will the service somehow update automatically?
  2. If I instead use a deploy hook with a new tag my/image:newer and afterwards update my bueprint somehow will it then try to override my/image:newer with the older my/image:older?
  3. If I change one docker image from my/image:older to my/image:pr in the blueprint and make an pull request to a deployed branch, will I get a preview environment for this PR?

Btw, this could be worked around with this feature request Parametrization of blueprints | Feature Requests | Render
Which is totally not mine :wink:

A small addition:
4. Can I use private images during the build process? Can I use in my Dockerfile: FROM my/image?

Hi there,

If I update said image i.e. post a new version with the same tag to the external registry, will the service somehow update automatically?

No, it will not.

If I instead use a deploy hook with a new tag my/image:newer and afterwards update my bueprint somehow will it then try to override my/image:newer with the older my/image:older?

If you use a different tag in the render.yml to what you use in the deploy hook to trigger a redeployment of the service, then yes, updates to your render.yml, when auto-sync is turned on, would override the image used with the older tag. Instead of using the deploy hook to Render to trigger the redeploy, I would recommend using a webhook to GitHub/GitLab to modify your render.yml with the updated tag. This change should trigger the redeployment in Render.

Can I use private images during the build prozess? Can I use in my Dockerfile: FROM my/image?

Dockerfile builds can still only pull images from public registries.


Render Support, UTC+10 :australia:

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