[Question] Hosting a Discord.py or HTTP Discord Bot in Render

Can you possibly host a Discord.py or HTTP Discord Bot in Render?
I wanna know if i can before i die trying to.

Hi there,

It looks like you might be attempting to run a bot on Render, there are a bunch of things that you probably need to know.

Bots are best deployed to us using a Background Worker - these run persistently in the background and don’t expose any web server however, these service types aren’t available with a free instance type.

If you try and run a bot via a Web Service, the deployment will probably fail, typically about 10 minutes after you’ve deployed it, and sometimes there are scenarios where 2 may be running for a period of time, this is down to our zero-downtime feature and not something that can be disabled.

We’ve been alerted to issues running Discord bots on us being rate limited by Discord, this is down to how traffic leaves our services - this may result in you receiving a 429 from Discord or having your requests rate limited - we’ve reached out to Discord but we don’t have a solution here yet.

If this doesn’t answer your question, just let us know, and we’ll try and help where we can.


Render Support Engineer, MT (UTC-6)

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